Friday, December 12, 2008

This Sark Business

I don't usually let myself get wound up by stuff I read about in the news, but this Sark business has me pretty mad. If you've never heard of Sark, go read about it in Wikipedia. The island and its (former) way of government is living proof that the UK is old. This country wasn't created, but instead evolved over millennia, along the way accreting administrative cruft like the Chief Pleas. Titles like Seigneur and Seneschal are beautifully evocative, and it really didn't seem like the pseudo-feudal system was hurting the island's 600 inhabitants.

The hypocrisy of current events is simply stunning. The Barclay Brothers may claim to want democracy, but in reality they only wanted to place themselves as feudal lords over the island. When their nominees lost the popular vote, they chose to shutter all their concerns on the island in a fit of pique. I'd call it childish if it wasn't so far beyond that. It's downright criminal. The islanders wouldn't let the Barclays take over — probably with the intention of installing a new tax regime more favourable to themselves — and so they are being punished. Notice in the BBC article where the Barclay's spokesman says that they have no need to sell the properties. Rather than risking someone else moving in and giving these people their jobs back, they will board-up the hotels and other businesses and let them rot in order to spite the islanders.

I live just across the Channel from Sark, and I've got half a mind to grab a boat from the harbour and stage my own one-man invasion of Brecqhou — the Barclays' Bond-villan-esuqe island fortress — to see how they'd like it.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

I'm Looking for a Performer

I'm looking for a performer. A comedian or actor. Although not actively. Not quite yet. Just passively. Keeping my eyes peeled. I mention it here just on the off chance someone stumbles across it.

For some reason, I've found myself watching a lot of Daily Show and Colbert Report recently. Probably the US elections. The formula's pretty simple: five minutes of jokes, then a (usually toe-curling) interview. The BBC's Late Edition was a fairly accurate copy, albeit way more hit-and-miss. And now I'd like to try my own on the internet.

Of course, I wouldn't dream of sticking myself in front of the camera. Apart from always feeling uncomfortable, I simple haven't got the talent. Mind you, I see myself writing the thing and I certainly don't appear to have the talent for that. I've started another blog at with the intention of posting short snappy jokes. So far, nothing. But give it time.

Anyway, this post is really more for me, to try and spur me into action. Although if anyone else reads this and is interested, drop me a message.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

What Kind of a Week Has it Been?

The $0.47 in my Google AdSense account says "not too shabby." Yeah, I know, but for the first week of the newly re-launched Apple Eclectic it really isn't bad. In the last 7 days we've posted 85 articles, knocked our WordPress template into a shape which we're reasonably happy with, and are even starting to find our voice. We've had 668 visitors since I started the stats thing counting on Thursday, over 400 of them today alone. We've even had a commentor.

I've got a good feeling about this. Unfortunately that's when things usually start to go wrong, but we'll see.

A few random thoughts:

  • Twitter: Just started following some people. One was Jason Calacanis, who instantly started following me back. I know it was just some machine of his somewhere being automatically polite, but it's still a weird feeling.

  • Amazon: Having to sign up to a separate Associates programme in each country is a pain. Google doesn't require this, but then Google doesn't have to ship physical goods and follow pre-digital accounting practices. It's still a pain. I really need to find some way to get WordPress to present different Amazon widget according to the visitor's location.

  • Trackbacks: We posted an article in reply to a TechCrunch piece, which got us a link on their page, which in turn generated some traffic. This feels weird in the same way as the Calacanis Twitter thing — I shouldn't be playing at the same level as these people, but I guess that's the beauty of this InterNet thingie. Go egalitarianism!

I'm sure that when I was planning this earlier I had more things to say, but that will have to do for now. Next: find a cartoonist.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

419, the Old-Fashioned Way

Just to show the world what kind of a technological backwater I've washed up in: someone has been going around my home town dropping letters through people's front doors claiming to be from the window of the President of Zambia, asking for help in moving millions of pounds through the banking system. Yes, that's right: it's a paper-based version of the 419 scams. Well, would-be-scammers, the jokes on you. People round her don't trust them new-fangled banks. Give a total stranger your money rather than keep it under your bed? Not likely.

via The Dorset Echo (our local rag).

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Checking Google Takes Only Seconds

"Find Your Soulmate" — presumably in the fruit and veg aisle.

(For those of you outside the UK, Asda is a WalMart-owned discount supermarket chain.)

PCW Laughs Last, Longest

In an attempt to distance myself from the rest of the Blogosphere, I followed my rant of a few months ago by shunning the typical passive-agressive stance and actually Doing Something About It. By which I mean I wrote a snarky letter (well, e-mail), which is what passes for Doing Something in the particular strata of Englishness to which I belong.

The staff of PCW, however, are professionals well-equiped to deal with uppity readers, and proceeded to implement the neatest bit of wrong-footing I've experienced in a long while, to whit: they awarded me the Letter of the Month. If you can find a copy of the October 2008 edition (which came out a few months ago in crazy magazine time — yeah, I should have blogged this sooner) and turn to page 20 you will see my words (slightly edited, but nothing to get all Giles Coren about).

You may also note that I won a prize: a Ricoh Aficio GX 2500 printer. As PCW Editor Kelvyn Taylor joked in his congratulatory e-mail, "I hope it comes with Mac drivers." Now, I was planning on ending with the words, "And we all know the answer to that," but bugger me sideways if the damn thing doesn't actually have Mac drivers. A review shall follow.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

One Store for Them...

I've just been reading this from Craig Hockenberry about comments on the App Store. Following the link to comments on the iPhone app Band it struck me that a) people were bitching about the app's price, b) even more people were bitching about the people bitching about the app's price, and c) all of the prices mentioned in the bitching were in "£". So does this mean that each store gets to keep its own database of comments? Given that so many US-centric directory apps got listen I had kinda assumed that we were all slurping from the same international app pool.

Pixel Imperfect

To get this far with the site I had to solve my little Internet Explorer problem. In the end I just said (read: screamed) "sod it" (read: a grawlix (which looks kinda like Perl to me (and this is starting to look a lot like Lisp)) (have these balanced yet?)) and decided to go old school, forgoing re-size-ability and measuring everything out in pixels. You can see the results here.

And yes, I know that the buttons spill out the bottom of the location-setting dialogue.

Have I mentioned how much I hate Internet Explorer?

That was Anticlimactic

A little after nine this morning, Super Secret Project X (also known to some as the Here API) went live — by which I mean I posted a quick "Introducing the Here API" message to the site's blog, tweeted a link to it and then deleted the site's old index.html.

I've also begun my search for a co-founder. I really can't see this site going far with just me running between the helm and the engine room. I began with a quick add on and I intend to walk the thin line between circulation and spam as I roll it out across other sites over the next days and weeks.

(And by the way, if you're intending to respond to the ad and have found your way here by Googling either me or then well done, you've earned yourself some extra points. To claim them just slip the word "artichoke" into your e-mail.)

I'm not sure how I'll choose who's going to fill the role, but like having to scale your site, it's a really nice problem to have. I'm hoping that I get at least one half-descent candidate. I'd like to be up and running at full speed for the Future of Web Apps conference in early October. So here's hoping.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cocoa Touch 2.0

My experience with the iPod Touch v2.0 firmware update was the same as everyone else's: a day of hitting the "Check for Update" button, the result of which flip-flopped between "1.1.4 is the latest version" and "the iTunes store is unable to complete this request". The little tease. But by Saturday morning it had sorted itself out and I was able to upgrade. The £5.99 price tag even seemed fair-ish, since it's pretty much the $9.95 plus Ireland-rate VAT.

My first impressions are that the App Store is a really rather slick way of getting applications, and, apart from the face that with each download it kicks you back to the launch screen, a joy to use. I can't help wondering however what all those developers who were denied a place in the store make of the likes of Hold On and Cow Toss.

Some other quick observations: there seemed to be about a dozen tip calculators and a few flashlight apps; those pug-ugly apps from Steves-wossname software made it through the vetting process; and then there was TruPhone, a VOIP app which I haven't seen mentioned anywhere else. This surprised me the most, since I wasn't sure it would be allowed.

Friday, July 11, 2008

I Want My 2.0

42: The approximate number of times I've checked for the OS X Touch 2.0 update for the iPod Touch so far this morning. Yes, I really am that desperate for another gouging from Apple. (I just thought I'd blog a quick note as a break from pumping the "Check for Update" button in iTunes.)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Why I Achieved Nothing Today

I'm not sure where to direct the thunderhead of frustration I've built up today: at web development in general, or at Internet Explorer in particular.

I am not a web developer — as I have spent the last ten hours proving — and more importantly the Here API is not a web application. It is, however, a tool which I hope will be extremely useful to web application developers, which is why a Javascript library to access the service was one of our highest priorities and which is why I've wasted the entire day trying to get a demo app up and running.

Or, rather, up and running on Windows. Resources here are a little limited and today was my first chance to spend serious time on the (singular) PC. But not to worry, because the demo app's been doing its thing on both Safari and Firefox under OS X for a couple of weeks now, so there shouldn't be much work that needs doing.

Of course I was wrong. For a start, in Firefox it looked utter arse, buttons and textareas which had been carefully — and tediously — manoeuvred into position via CSS vanishing off the screen. But at least it displayed in Firefox. It took a good half hour of fiddling to get IE to show anything at all. This was partly my fault, having missed the "Microsoft doesn't believe Javascript need consts" warning in the Mozila docs. Mostly, I blame the Javascript "debugger" in IE, because 1) its error messages call everything a syntax error (boy, I swear I haven't met them since the days of Spectrum BASIC), and 2) when it gives a line number you have to a) guess which included file the error occurred in, and then b) subtract the number of lines down the original HTML page the <script> tag came from the line number in the error to work out where it was.

And of course when something was displayed it i) didn't work, and ii) looked like total arse.

"Bugger this for a game of soldiers!" thought I, and off I went looking for a nice cross-platform framework to do the hard stuff for me. The demo app as it stands uses Prototype and Scriptaculous (the Javascript client libraries at its heart — remember, this is why I'm doing this — has no dependencies), but what I needed was something to do widgets.

Being the Apple drone I am, Sproutcore was my first port of call. I'd only ever heard it discussed on MacBreak Weekly, but it had drawn favourable comparisons to the Second Coming so I thought it might be worth a look. And it certainly looked promising, right up to the point where the demo borked under IE. Back to Google. (I don't need to link Google, right?)

The rest of my day was spent dismissing Javascript GUI frameworks. Qooxdoo (which they tell me is pronounced "[`ku:ksdu:]" — no, honestly, they think that that's helping), MooTools, the Yahoo! User Interface library ... none of them had that certain get-this-done-today something that I was looking for. (And what the hell is with this needing an external tool chain to build your Javascript library?) I almost went with Dojo — I'd played with it in the past, mainly for testing our JSON-RPC servers — but then it hit me that whichever of these I chose my app would end up looking like a Swing e-mail client. My current "design" — you can actually see the air-quotes when you look at it — may look like total arse, but at least it has a little character.

So it's back to my original code. I'm going to have to wait till my go on the PC comes around again and sweat through the code the old-fashioned way. The problem of getting a design to look the same cross-browser must have been solved a thousand times before — so why can't I find a simple solution? (It's at times like these I really wish this blog got some readers so I could get a few suggestions ... oh, well.)

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Misc. Clippage

Since I've had to bugger about with the page template to fit that ChannelFlip movie, I thought I may as well post a couple of other clips. So here's the final — and most interesting — part of the 1999 BBC Comic Relief Doctor Who skit The Curse of Fatal Death.

This came between the attempted Paul McGann restart and the Christopher Eccleston reboot, and was written by Steven Moffat, who's just been handed the show's reins. Richard E. Grant's non-canon spell as the ninth Doctor (following his Withnail partner) can be found here.

I remember seeing The Curse of Fatal Death when it was first on, but somehow Time Crash slipped by me. (Sorry, the BBC don't want it embedded.) Another jolly fun little Moffat skit from a BBC charity evening. Now, when do we get to see the seven living Doctors together?

Mac Games for Mac Users

Elfin Princess Katherine Fletcher is currently presenting a short series about gaming on the Mac over at ChannelFlip Games. I mention this only because of my fervent wish to embed her.

Of course, by "gaming on the Mac" she mostly means "playing PC games through Windows running on the Mac" — and yet it doesn't have me spitting bile... see where a little cute can get you, PCW? — which brings me back to a rant I published elsewhere (but don't bother looking, I've re-imaged the server).

I'm not the world's biggest gamer (although if I could get back all the time I've lost to Quinn or — god help me — Zuma Deluxe I'd be able to write a couple of those novels I've been planning), but in my ever so humble opinion what we really need are not more ports of two year old PC games, but some original Mac titles.

What is a Mac game? In the same way that there's something quintessentially, recognisably Mac-like about written-for-the-Mac-by-people-who-understand-the-Mac applications, Mac games should have that certain something which sets them apart from their PC or console counterparts. I think that Marathon is the best — and, okay, almost only — example of this.

Superficially, Marathon is just another Doom clone. But it has the great little touches, the technical innovations and — probably most importantly — the engaging plot to set it apart from the other knock-offs. I don't know if anyone at the time called it "the thinking man's Doom", but that's what I'm doing here.

The main impediment to a Mac-only games industry is that it now appears necessary for PC titles to cost the same as Hollywood movies / small developing nations. To which I would tentatively suggest replacing cash and head count with, say, talent and creativity. Think Indie flicks versus the summer blockbusters.

So how about an open-source-style effort to get the ball rolling. The DIM3 engine is probably a good starting point, and I'd happily donate my so-so coding skills. So what do you say?

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Doktor Wer und der Daleks

So another season of Doctor Who has come to an end. Ho hum. How can I find the end of the universe dull? Maybe because we've seen the exact same thing (with minor variations) at the end of ever other season and then again at Christmas. Actually, who am I kidding? We see the same almost-apocalypse every other episode. Too many cop-outs and "with one bound they were free" moments. They could have run this episode the usual length and not missed anything important, just trimmed a bit of the soap opera at the end.

Nevertheless, this episode will go down in history for one very important reason: German Daleks.

Let me just type that again incase you missed it. German Daleks.

German. Daleks.

German Daleks!

It is at times like this that I can only curse the short-sightedness which lead to the deprecation of the <blink> tag. (I've included it anyway on the off chance that your browser's author still keeps the faith.)

Russell T. Davies, OBE? The man deserves a Peerage. A Knighthood at the very least. It would be more than a fair swap for German Daleks.

Oh, and for bringing Bernard Cribbins back to our screens.

Bernard Cribbins and German Daleks — so why wasn't this the greatest 65 minutes of television ever?

These Points of Data Form a Beautiful Line

I know you aren't really interested but I'm going to explain why I haven't posted for a while. It's known as "laziness". I can highly recommend it as a lifestyle choice.

I have also been hard at work at my latest stab at an Internet Start-Up. The Here API — "the answer to all your location-based service needs" — will be launched (into beta) in the very near future.

You heard it here first.

A Brief List of Grievances

Since PCW is a little too parochial to attract the attention of Defenders of the Mac Faith such as Chairman Gruber, I shall take it upon myself to provide a page-by-page list of the slights inflicted by its September issue (plus it's raining out and when I decide to suddenly start updating again I really suddenly start updating again).

Grap a copy and read along at home!

Cover story: "Buy a Mac, get a PC" Oh, boy. It seems as far as PCW is concerned, the only good Mac is a Windows-running Mac. Cue six pages dedicated to installing Windows via Boot Camp. OS X — constantly referred to as "OSX" throughout — gets a thin side-box, where Cover Flow, Quick Look and Spotlight are highlighted. Seriously. Those are the highlights of OS X? Not at all superficial, then.

p.7: Editorial Editor Kelvyn Taylor doesn't like the "bouncy icons" or "odd menu system".

p.8: The iPhone is described as "revolutionary" ... hold on, that sounded complimentary.

p.9: Okay. Analysts are quoted dismissing it as "no market changer". Normal service has been restored.

p.13 (among many others): I give up: what exactly is an "iTouch"?

p.14: Ahem: "The iHype over iPods and iPhones leaves the impression that iApple started the iFashion for putting a small i in front of everything." Do you see what they've done there? "In fact, Compaq started it back in April 2000 with the launch of its iPaq handheld." That would be the April 2000 which occurred before the May 1998 when the iMac was launched, would it?

p.19 (top): "... the old Apple disease of form overriding function." Of course, some would argue that the two were inseparable.

p.19 (bottom): Where Clive Akass explains how the fact that Cubase 1) inflicts draconian — and quaintly old-fashioned — dongle-based DRM on its users, while 2) apparently not making a PDF version of their manual easily accessible on the Mac proves that the Mac is "not a user-friendly operating system".

And ... this is about the point where I'm starting to lose the will to live. Oh, look! It's stopped raining.

State of the Chart

I'm not sure what's worse when technology let's me down — the disappointment or the another-glimpse-of-beachball-and-I-smash-you-to-pieces frustration. It's probably a little of each.

I've just had such a painful experience. The task was simple: I needed some charts (or "graphs" as I'm sure we used to call them). Nothing too fancy, just two series of around 1,400 observations each, plotted against a third containing dates. How hard can that be for a dual 2GHz machine with 2Gb of RAM?

(You may have already guessed the answer.)

First up: Numbers. I bought iWork mainly for Pages, mainly because it always feels so damn fast when typing, which weirdly is the first thing I look for in a word processor. Numbers has until now been sat gathering dust in my Applications folder (apart from the odd occasion when it comes bouncing forward offering to handle a .xls file for me. I always politely decline). After today it's unlikely to see much more action. After producing the first chart I dragged it up the page. Cue five minutes of beach ball. Force Quit and next, please.

In case you're not familiar with NeoOffice, it's a version of the code made more Mac-like. It's been doing stirling work opening Office files for a few years now, and I've used it to produce charts many times in the past. Putting my silly dalliance with Pages behind me, it was back to good old dependable NeoOffice.

But only for a quarter of an hour or so. And if it hadn't taken so long to do anything it would have been a lot less. It took over ten second for the chart to first appear, and the same length of time after each alteration. And there weren't many of them, since selecting the correct part of the chart (axis labels but not axis line; legend but not just the surrounding box) was a black art I obviously need far more practice to master.

Finally, I turned to the genuine(-ish) article, (yes, the .org appears to be a required part of its name). I'd move from it to NeoOffice a while ago, mainly because, yes, NeoOffice really is more Mac-like. requires X11 to run — of course, being a proper geek I had this already installed. After the slowest 185Mb download I've experienced in a long while it was one drag-to-Applications and we were away. behaves like its *nix equivalent, in-window tool bar and all, but that is only a small inconvenience. (I also have a bit of a soft-spot for ugly X11 GUIs — I think it's a nostalgia thing.) The app made short work of producing the four charts I needed: they appeared almost instantly and were equally quick to update. This was helped by the simple black-on-white colour scheme they used by default — NeoOffice seems to take the "being like MicroSoft Office" thing to the extent of copying their fugly grey-background pre-set — meaning there was less in need of tinkering. There was a small hiccup when I couldn't copy and paste them into Pages, but exporting the destination document soon took care of that.

So a couple of short hours later I have my four charts and my heart rate has returned to its overweight normal. I blame Java for NeoOffice's failings, but despite today's little setback I'm going to keep it as my free Office-like suite of choice.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Looking for an Artist (again)

I'm having another crack at getting my webcomic Bounded by Infinity off of the ground. Again. I made a half-hearted stab at it last year, posting an "Artist Wanted" request on one forum and then loosing heart when no-one bit. This time I'm going to spam post the request in lots of forums, cross my fingers and hope I get lucky.

Shortly after I posted in the forums at Drunk Duck, this post appeared in which Drowemos makes the startling observation that if you want to attract an artist, something which they're known to be partial to is money. I'm not going to stoop to sarcasm. The purpose of Drowemos' post was to plug this contest aimed at webcomic writers and offering a prize of six professionally-drawn pages (cash value $150).

Drowemos' webcomic The World of Exiern is interesting in that it was started with -- erm -- basic art (possibly as an homage to Dinosaur Comics), which was later (partly) replaced by professionally drawn work once revenue permitted. So I guess that he should know page rates, but $25 per page seems a little on the low side to me.

I've considered going down the paid route but decided against it for a couple of reasons. For one it could get expensive quickly, especially if quality artwork still fails to drive page views. Sure, it's a chicken and egg thing. But what I think you'd really miss working in this kind of arrangement is real involvement from the artist. I'd like to work with someone who is committed to the project, who I can bounce ideas off and who will give honest feedback, rather than just whipping through commission after commission as quickly as possible.

Ah, well... here's hoping.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

iPod Touch Update 1.1.3

So the iPod Touch firmware update (version 1.1.3) was announced at the Stevenote this evening (proper time). For some reason it took a little over two hours to download, and then it didn't appear to offer any new features apart from a new search button in Safari, which booted the bookmark button down onto the bottom bar. Not even any wiggling icons.

Now, I made a bit of a tit of myself over at the Macalope's place (mostly because it's late and the bit about the AppleTV didn't register), but the question still remains, why are AppleTV owners getting a fancy new system update for free? while iPod Touch users have to pay? And it's not like we're just paying for the five applications. If we were then it would surely have been easier for Apple to wait and make them available through the iPhone app store once it's up and running. But it's not the apps that we're buying, it an unlock for the features of 1.1.3. The download you purchase takes a second to download, and once it's run you've got new features outside the five apps, like being able to rearrange the home page.

The argument, of course, is that earnings from the AppleTV, like those for the iPhone, are booked over a number of years. Sorry, but this just doesn't wash. The AppleTV has been on sale for almost a year now, but until today (or until the date in the future when the software upgrade is made) you have not been able to purchase items from the iTunes Store through it, meaning that there was absolutely no basis for Apple's accountants to book those earnings as subscription-based. The iPod Touch, however, has been able to download from the iTunes store since day one, so if either of these devices should be eligible for free updates, it should be the iPod.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Putting the "ass" into Akass

Personal Computer World is the only print magazine I buy nowadays, mainly because I've never got round to cancelling my subscription. Still, it provides an interesting off-line read every month. The one thing I can't stand, however, is the attitude which their News Editor, Clive Akass, takes toward Apple. I don't know if he was bullied by the Cupertino company as a child or something: it certainly reads that way at times.

The magazine's Test Bed Blog has been quiet of late, but has sprung back to life with two posts in the last two days, both of which have included pointless swipes at Apple. "Apple maxes out during CES" seems to be complaining about Apple announcing products while CES is on, while "Why I bought a [sic] Eee PC" takes a dig at "Apple's iToys" for not having proper keyboards.

Oh well, I suppose it's better he gets it out of his system here, rather than clogging-up the paper PCW's scant news pages with this drivel.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Developing for the iPod Touch

Since the reason I got an iPod Touch was to develop applications for it, I though that it was about time I actually got round to giving it a go. This is a brief round-up of the tutorials I used, presented in the order I should have done them.

First step was to jailbreak the iPod to allow access to its file system. As I had OS v.1.1.2 this meant downgrading to 1.1.1. The instructions on this page worked perfectly for me. The longest part was downloading the two versions of the firmware from Apple.

When you run the Java .jar file in the last stage I recommend ticking the box to install SSH. Then, to connect to your iPod, first get its IP address from Settings -> Wifi and click on the arrow in the blue circle next to your active connection. Now from the Terminal, type:

ssh root@IPADDRESS

The default root password should be alpine, although you can easily change this using the SSH icon on the iPod. To begin with SSH is rather sparse since there are no command line tools installed. These can be found in the "BSD sub-system" package in the installer. Note, however, that I'm not sure whether installing them caused me the problems in the stage (and they can't be easily removed), but all things considered you're better off with them.

Next, in order to compile the toolchain used to build iPod apps, we need a copy of the iPod's file system. In theory we should be able to get this by using the scp command, thus:

sudo scp -r root@IPADDRESS:/ /usr/local/share/iphone-filesystem

Which should copy every file into the directory on your Mac where the toolchain Makefile expects it. However, for me this ran fine for 15 minutes and then stalled on "Resource Busy" / "not a regular file" errors for file in the /dev directory. Copying individual directories from route (/usr is the really important one) side-stepped this. Oh, and you may want to remove all your songs and movies from the iPod before you do this and save yourself a few hours.

Instructions for getting and compiling the toolchain can be found here, and with the preparation above should work without problems. To test that everything is working I used this Hello World source code, found via here. Download it (it should unzip automatically), then in the terminal navigate to the directory and run make. If everything is set up correctly you'll now have a file called "Hello" (identified as a UNIX executable by the Finder). Copy this to your iPod with:

scp ./Hello root@IPADDRESS:/Applications/

To run it, SSH into the iPod, navigate to the Applications folder, and run "Hello":

cd /Applications

"Hello World" should be displayed on the iPod (wake it up and unlock it). You'll notice that the home button doesn't do anything. To kill the program, go back to SSH in the terminal and hit ctrl+C. The # prompt will reappear in the console and the iPod will drop back to the launch screen.

Well, that's it for compiling and running a first iPod app, now it's off to find some documentation for the iPod version of Cocoa.