Wednesday, July 16, 2008

That was Anticlimactic

A little after nine this morning, Super Secret Project X (also known to some as the Here API) went live — by which I mean I posted a quick "Introducing the Here API" message to the site's blog, tweeted a link to it and then deleted the site's old index.html.

I've also begun my search for a co-founder. I really can't see this site going far with just me running between the helm and the engine room. I began with a quick add on and I intend to walk the thin line between circulation and spam as I roll it out across other sites over the next days and weeks.

(And by the way, if you're intending to respond to the ad and have found your way here by Googling either me or then well done, you've earned yourself some extra points. To claim them just slip the word "artichoke" into your e-mail.)

I'm not sure how I'll choose who's going to fill the role, but like having to scale your site, it's a really nice problem to have. I'm hoping that I get at least one half-descent candidate. I'd like to be up and running at full speed for the Future of Web Apps conference in early October. So here's hoping.

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