Monday, December 31, 2012


In January I scribbled out a short list of writing-related things I'd like to achieve. As the last moments of 2012 trickle away, let's take a look back and see how badly I failed.

  • (Self) Publish two volumes of short stories — Well, I got halfway there, even if at two stories it's only just a collection. I've got another couple of stories almost edited, so I'll see if I can't completely tick this one off next year.
  • Commission a graphic novel — Didn't even come close. The script still needs writing. In typical programmer geek fashion, I think I'm going to have to code myself the ultimate storyboarding iPad app first, before I can settle down to writing the actual story.
  • Complete a full-length script — I'm not sure I even started a script this year.
  • Complete the novel(la) I've been planning — Yeah... Nope. Didn't happen.

So there you have it. Twelve months later and I'm no closer to achieving my writing goals. Time to start work on another list, I think.

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