Sunday, August 14, 2011

Garden Barge Square at Downings Road Moorings

If you've ever ventured down to the south side of the Thames just east of Tower Bridge, past the Design Museum, you can't have failed to notice a cluster of long boats and barges, sprouting intriguingly incongruous greenery, moored there. This is Garden Barge Square, and for years it has held a casual fascination for me as one of those private-but-in-plain-site parts of London, there for all to see but non-the-less inaccessible. Last month, as part of the National Gardens Scheme charity open day, the veil was lifted, so I went along to have a nose around.

I'm sure that it would make a wonderful setting for a scene or two in one of the London Novels which I'll probably never get round to writing. In the meantime, the sensation of standing among a traditional English cottage garden, with borders full of rose bushes, while being buffeted by the swell of a passing tourist boat, will stay with me for some time. I don't think I've ever felt seasick in a garden before.

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