Thursday, March 12, 2009

PureFoundation: Exceptions

(I've decided that this blog is going to become the unofficial PureFoundation development blog, in the hope that (a) it might attract a little interest — and who knows, maybe a contributor or two — to the project, and (b) I can get some of why I'm coding what and how I'm coding down before I forget about it.)

The last couple of days have been spent chasing down bugs in PureFoundation. The next couple of days will probably be spent in the same way. The number and stupidity of them is getting depressing, and the fact that I don't have access to a working version of gdb, or even a version of DTrace which will trace Objective-C method calls, doesn't help. Yes, I know that real men debug using printf()s, but this is getting ridiculous.

My current target is dscl. We've just got to the point where the DirectoryService daemon will run, so now we wouldn't mind using it to add a few users. (Yes, I know real men always run as root...) dscl is exactly the kind of project which spurred the creation of PureFoundation: it's both completely vital and written in Obj-C. Given the general paucity of admin tools available to us (and I'm really going to have to kick-start a Darwin Admin Tools project one of these days with the aim of cloning Apple's systemsetup and networksetup), I can't see PureDarwin getting anywhere without it.

My single aide was that I had access to the dscl source. Now, I honestly don't know if it compiles. I didn't try. darwinbuild has been enough of a frustration recently that I didn't even want to try. The moments of "why the hell am I wasting my time on this?" introspection are getting further apart again, but I'm still easily discouraged. If it had built I could have filled it full of more printf()s, which may have helped. Instead, all I could do was tag Foundation and see which library calls it made, following along as best I could with the source code. (My groovy new two monitor setup — using an old 15" CRT I found lying around — really helped here. If I'd had to do all this plus constantly shuffle windows about...)

The deep pessimism I've developed over the last 30+ years led me down a few blind alleys. Chiefly, the fact that dscl uses exceptions to propagate error conditions in exactly the way you aren't meant to, coupled with the fact I was sure logging into the local directory domain would fail, led me to believe that PureFoundation's exception handling was broken. Cue today's diversion.

Exception handling is one of those things which seems magical until you start digging into it. It's part language feature, part OS trickery. But it turns out that, at least in the default objc4 runtime version, it's fairly simple. Those @try and @catch blocks are converted into simple function calls by the compiler. These functions are defined in the file objc-exception.m, and basically just manipulates a linked-list of exception handlers and compiler-produced contexts. The comments on the code plainly state that this is place-holder code until Foundation starts up and provides its own, which is enlightening but ultimately unhelpful.

I've bored you enough without going into the details of the quick solution I hacked together. You can see for yourself by examining NSException.m. It uses thread-local storage to manage the chains of exception handlers, which I think is a neater and more elegant way of doing it, which also has the benefit of being thread-safe. Also added are both an ultimate default uncaught exception handler, and implementations of NSGetUncaughtExceptionHandler() and NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler().

The punch line is that it turns out that no exceptions were being thrown by dscl, the local domain was being successfully accessed, and the first of many bus errors was in fact caused by my retarded double CFRelease()ing of a CFTimeZone type in my shiny new NSLog(). Which is why I really need an extra pair of eyeballs on the project. Any takers?

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